I've noticed a hole in cataloging that some library might not deal with, and others do, but it is certainly a hole for our libraries. We found that the advanced search subtype limits (Audience, content, format, additional content types), rely on the 008 field. However, our libraries have chosen not to fill those in, and the sources they download these records from have chosen not to fill them in either. I'm wondering if it would be a smart idea, that since these search fields rely on this information, if it is not filled in for a bib record, there should be some sort of warning on the bib record/item records in cataloging, so catalogers are aware that these records are not complete. In fact, any other field that any search limit could rely on could have a similar warning for catalogers.
So maybe we are looking for way to make certain positions mandatory/important for the control fields - do you mean that?
Trying to think of a way we can make the title of this more specific - most people will only check that.
(In reply to Katrin Fischer from comment #1) > So maybe we are looking for way to make certain positions > mandatory/important for the control fields - do you mean that? That would help too, but if people are importing records and not touching them, it would be great if there were some indication on the staff side that the record is incomplete as well. Having a mandatory field only works if you are editing the record.
Perhaps an alternate solution would be some kind of error report to run after the fact?