Bug 24867 - Keep CircControl / ReservesControlBranch / HomeOrHolding together in sysprefs
Summary: Keep CircControl / ReservesControlBranch / HomeOrHolding together in sysprefs
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Staff interface (show other bugs)
Version: Main
Hardware: All All
: P5 - low enhancement
Assignee: Bugs List
QA Contact: Testopia
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Reported: 2020-03-13 16:49 UTC by Andrew Fuerste-Henry
Modified: 2022-07-15 15:16 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Change sponsored?: ---
Patch complexity: ---
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Circulation function:


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Description Andrew Fuerste-Henry 2020-03-13 16:49:50 UTC
It would be great if these three sysprefs were linked so that they appear together and a search for one always bring up the others.
Comment 1 Katrin Fischer 2022-07-08 11:38:32 UTC
What text should we use? Maybe:

(See also.... and ...)
Comment 2 Kyle M Hall (khall) 2022-07-08 11:40:04 UTC
(In reply to Katrin Fischer from comment #1)
> What text should we use? Maybe:
> (See also.... and ...)

Can we just put them in there own sub-group, or maybe as their own "multi-syspref" on a single line?
Comment 3 Katrin Fischer 2022-07-08 11:40:59 UTC
Both could be options, I'd be willing to do it, just not sure yet what would work best. (and also no idea on how to name the sub-heading)
Comment 4 Kyle M Hall (khall) 2022-07-08 11:42:19 UTC
(In reply to Katrin Fischer from comment #3)
> Both could be options, I'd be willing to do it, just not sure yet what would
> work best. (and also no idea on how to name the sub-heading)

How about "Circulation Control Branch Selectors" or something along those lines?
Comment 5 Katrin Fischer 2022-07-08 15:19:49 UTC
(In reply to Kyle M Hall from comment #4)
> (In reply to Katrin Fischer from comment #3)
> > Both could be options, I'd be willing to do it, just not sure yet what would
> > work best. (and also no idea on how to name the sub-heading)
> How about "Circulation Control Branch Selectors" or something along those
> lines?

I have several issues with that :D

* capitalization
* branch should be library
* ... and it might just be a little long and wrap on the side navigation in system preferences. 


Circulation control libraries

Comment 6 Martin Renvoize (ashimema) 2022-07-15 15:16:00 UTC
'Circulation control libraries' works for me :)