Bug 2597 - No way to do mouseless cataloging / behaviour of collapsed flag in MARC framework definition
Summary: No way to do mouseless cataloging / behaviour of collapsed flag in MARC frame...
Alias: None
Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Cataloging (show other bugs)
Version: Main
Hardware: All All
: P5 - low enhancement
Assignee: Galen Charlton
QA Contact: Bugs List
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Reported: 2008-09-09 12:47 UTC by Nicole C. Engard
Modified: 2017-06-14 22:03 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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framework (50.67 KB, image/png)
2008-09-09 12:47 UTC, Chris Cormack

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Chris Cormack 2010-05-21 00:53:17 UTC

---- Reported by nengard@gmail.com 2008-09-09 12:47:29 ----

Right now there is no way to have all fields expanded when defining a framework.  

Please read the chat below since it explains things.  But I'm creating a minimal framework and when editing the ISBN subfields I was the 020a to be expanded on the framework and no matter what I put for the value in the 'hidden' field it remains hidden.

Attached is a screenshot of the entire framework - only a few fields and we want them all expanded so we can easily tab through them and enter a quick minimal record.


[14:58]  <nengard> hey guys - how do you set it so that a field is expanded when in the marc editor
[14:58]  <nengard> i know it has something to do with the editing subfields in the framework, but my edits didn't work
[15:14]  <atz> nengard: you mean so that the subfields display by default?
[15:14]  <nengard> yes
[15:21]  <atz> nengard: at the data level, i think you set marc_subfield_structure.hidden = -1
[15:21]  <atz> to unhide the subfield
[15:21]  <nengard> atz - thanks! I was using 6 ... guess I wasn't reading it right
[15:21]  <atz> i don't know how that's done via the interface, if at all
[15:22]  <nengard> i can put a -1 in the hidden field
[15:28]  <nengard> atz - that didn't work either - i'm wondering if it's a bug - cause i know it used to work
[15:29]  <atz> nengard: no idea
[15:29]  <nengard> rch - any ideas?
[15:29]  <rch> nengard: i think an empty field may be collapsed by default now, irrespective of the framework setting ?
[15:29]  <rch> i.e. it only shows if there's data?
[15:29]  <nengard> rch - no - the 245 is expanded
[15:29]  <rch> not sure on that though.
[15:30]  <nengard> and the 003 and the 008
[15:30]  <rch> ok, /me looks
[15:30]  <nengard> :)
[15:30]  <nengard> thanks
[15:36]  <rch> nengard: if there's no data in the field, it must be a mandatory subfield or it will be collapsed.
[15:37]  <nengard> oh!
[15:37]  <nengard> thanks
[15:37]  <nengard> so the hidden field means nothing anymore?
[15:37]  <rch> once you uncollapse the tag, only the non-hidden fields show.
[15:38]  <rch> so hidden only has meaning if there is data in the field.
[15:38]  <rch> if there's no data in the field, collapsed is controlled by the mandatory flag.
[15:38]  <nengard> k
[15:38]  <nengard> oh well
[15:38]  <nengard> :(
[15:40]  <rch> i think that warrants a bug report.  it breaks mouse-free editing.
[15:41]  <nengard> awesome :)

---- Additional Comments From nengard@gmail.com 2008-09-09 12:47:54 ----

Created an attachment

--- Bug imported by chris@bigballofwax.co.nz 2010-05-21 00:53 UTC  ---

This bug was previously known as _bug_ 2597 at http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2597
Imported an attachment (id=752)

Actual time not defined. Setting to 0.0
CC member bchurch@ptfs.com does not have an account here
CC member rch@liblime.com does not have an account here
The original submitter of attachment 752 [details] is unknown.
   Reassigning to the person who moved it here: chris@bigballofwax.co.nz.

Comment 1 Katrin Fischer 2016-06-19 20:46:32 UTC
I just retested this on current master - the 'collapsed' setting seems to work independently from the 'mandatory' flag now. For example: removing the 'collapsed' from 024$a in the Books framework, makes the subfield show up when opening the framework.