To recreate: - set CanMarkHoldsToPullAsLost to allow to mark items as lost and notify patron - find a patron with no email address - create an item-level hold for that patron - from the Holds to Pull list, click Mark lost and notify patron - Koha gives contradictory messages "the patron does not have an email address defined" and "the message was enqueued correctly" - notice shows as pending email in patron account but has no to_address in the database We should either fail over to print notice when the patron doesn't have an email address or just not generate a notice at all.
I understand they feel contradictory messages, but it's actually what happened: the notice is enqueued without a to_address. If empty, to_address will be set to the patron's email address when the message is sent. So a librarian can eventually update it in the meanwhile. Afaik it's the same behaviour for a lot of other notices.