While deploying discharges in our library we figured out that librarians need ability to request discharge document on behalf of patrons from intranet page. It was logical to add another option on Discharge patron tab.
Created attachment 109511 [details] [review] Bug 26350: Librarians can request discharge on behalf of patron While deploying discharges in our library we figured out that librarians need ability to request discharge document on behalf of patrons from intranet page. It was logical to add another option on Discharge patron tab. It nicely addresses Bug 16466 since it shows status of pending discharge instead of button to issue new discharge. To test: 1. apply patch 2. make sure that useDischarge is enabled in administration 3. verify that "Request new discharge" button is availabe, click on it 4. after page reload, message "Patron has pending discharge request." will appear 5. click on "Generate discharge" to approve discharge and generate pdf (this is unchanged compared to exsting workflow)
Created attachment 109516 [details] [review] Bug 26350: Librarians can request discharge on behalf of patron While deploying discharges in our library we figured out that librarians need ability to request discharge document on behalf of patrons from intranet page. It was logical to add another option on Discharge patron tab. It nicely addresses Bug 16466 since it shows status of pending discharge instead of button to issue new discharge. To test: 1. apply patch 2. make sure that useDischarge is enabled in administration 3. verify that "Request new discharge" button is availabe, click on it 4. after page reload, message "Patron has pending discharge request." will appear 5. click on "Generate discharge" to approve discharge and generate pdf (this is unchanged compared to exsting workflow)
Removed one extra empty line in second version of patch.
Created attachment 109545 [details] [review] Bug 26350: Librarians can request discharge on behalf of patron While deploying discharges in our library we figured out that librarians need ability to request discharge document on behalf of patrons from intranet page. It was logical to add another option on Discharge patron tab. It nicely addresses Bug 16466 since it shows status of pending discharge instead of button to issue new discharge. To test: 1. apply patch 2. make sure that useDischarge is enabled in administration 3. verify that "Request new discharge" button is availabe, click on it 4. after page reload, message "Patron has pending discharge request." will appear 5. click on "Generate discharge" to approve discharge and generate pdf (this is unchanged compared to exsting workflow) Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <oleonard@myacpl.org>
Created attachment 109557 [details] [review] Bug 26350: Librarians can request discharge on behalf of patron While deploying discharges in our library we figured out that librarians need ability to request discharge document on behalf of patrons from intranet page. It was logical to add another option on Discharge patron tab. It nicely addresses Bug 16466 since it shows status of pending discharge instead of button to issue new discharge. To test: 1. apply patch 2. make sure that useDischarge is enabled in administration 3. verify that "Request new discharge" button is availabe, click on it 4. after page reload, message "Patron has pending discharge request." will appear 5. click on "Generate discharge" to approve discharge and generate pdf (this is unchanged compared to exsting workflow) Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <oleonard@myacpl.org> Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <nick@bywatersolutions.com>
This went through so fast... I didn't even get a chance to say hi to Dobrica yet!
Hi Dobrica, good to see you around :) Can you explain the use case please, I am not sure I understand it. If a librarian wants to let a patron download their discharge from the OPAC, the librarian can generate the discharge from the staff interface. The patron will then see a "Get your discharge" link on their account. I don't see the point of this extra step actually: a librarian request a discharge which will need to be approved.
That is true for the first discharge. After that, Generate discharge will always return just last discharge. If patron restriction is removed, patrons can request another discharge on opac, but librarians can't do that in current implementation. We are discharging students at the end of every year and sending discharges to the student services, so that students can enroll in next year. For us, it's essential to be able to generate discharge even if there is existing one, without the need for a student to do anything since we do have students with special needs which are unable to use opac (or web at all). After students enroll in the next year, we remove patron restriction and repeat the whole process for each year they are with us. Does this make more sense now? For us, librarians who request discharges are not the same ones who will allow it. We have local changes that also track librarian borrowernumber to be able to print name of a librarian who approved a discharge, but that will require cleanup (and implementation of permissions) before we can submit that part.
I found additional bug when using Generate discharge without creating request through OPAC or this patch: field needed in discharges table never gets filled and is NULL. This is again problem for us, since we want to include date and time of discharge request.
I believe this has been fixed: When UseDischarge is activated, we have a "Generate discharge" button on the Discharges tab in the patron account.