Bug 26360 - Patron restriction should include a common header
Summary: Patron restriction should include a common header
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: SIP2 (show other bugs)
Version: Main
Hardware: All All
: P5 - low enhancement
Assignee: Bugs List
QA Contact: Testopia
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Reported: 2020-09-02 19:04 UTC by Christopher Brannon
Modified: 2023-08-24 18:00 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Christopher Brannon 2020-09-02 19:04:52 UTC
It is difficult for 3rd parties to trap a patron restriction reason because it is not easily identifiable.

[AF] => Array ( [0] => Greetings from Koha. -- Patron needs to speak to a staff member.  [1] => COEUR )

In this case, the explanation for the restriction is "Patron blocked for looking stupid."  There is no common header for a restriction.

I would suggest that restrictions be preceded by PATRON RESTRICTED:.

So, the above example would look like:

[AF] => Array ( [0] => Greetings from Koha. -- PATRON RESTRICTED: Patron needs to speak to a staff member.  [1] => COEUR )
Comment 1 Sally Lodico 2023-08-24 18:00:17 UTC
Now that we have Patron Restriction Types, I would rather see the restriction type included in the AF response instead of the generic "PATRON RESTRICTED". We have some restrictions that don't prevent a person from accessing online resources and some that do. This includes the automatic restrictions like long overdue items or excessive fines. 
For example:

[AF] => Array ( [0] => Greetings from Koha. -- PATRON RESTRICTED: FINES  [1] => LIBA)
[AF] => Array ( [0] => Greetings from Koha. -- CONDUCT: Patron is dangerous. Call the police  [1] => LIBB)

Then we could build SIP rules like these:
If AF includes "OVERDUES" - deny access.
If AF includes "FINES" - allow access.
If AF includes "CONDUCT" - deny access.
If AF includes "VERMIN" - allow access.

"VERMIN" means bedbugs or other creepy crawlies hitched a ride on the library books they returned last week, so yes, they can use the online services, no they can't check out any more books.