In 18.11, and possibly prior, if a checked out item, with no remaining renewals, had a hold placed on it, the Renew column would show "On hold" as a link. In 19.11 and 20.05, the same situation, it shows "Not renewable" with a count of 0 of [the max renewals value] remaining. The "On hold" message was of more helpful to staff in determining whether or not they would try to force a renewal.
I agree that this was very helpful for staff. I confirmed that it doesn't work with item or record level holds. Lisette
I reported this one to John on behalf of several Koha libraries. Staff definitely prefer seeing ON HOLD as the primary message indicating not renewable in a patron's checkout list. When people ask if they can renew, it is much more important for staff to see that someone else is waiting, rather than the message that the renewal limit was reached. The ON HOLD link allowed staff to check who is next and how many people are waiting very easily. Please reinstate that as it was in previous versions. Thank you!
I think bug 25758 is quite similar, but not sure if it fixes this bug as well. Adding as a see also.
(In reply to Katrin Fischer from comment #4) > I think bug 25758 is quite similar, but not sure if it fixes this bug as > well. Adding as a see also. We are on 20.05.09 and are still seeing this, so I don't believe it was fixed.
Created attachment 128586 [details] [review] Bug 26440: Prioritize 'on hold' over Not renewable' in Renew column
It's still an issue in 20.11. Attached the patch we are using.
We are currently on 21.05.08 and still running into confusion with this. We prefer the "On hold" message to take priority as well. "Not renewable" allows staff to attempt to override the renewal which fails. The renewal failure message is not persistent and disappears very quickly, so it is easy to overlook that the renewal failed altogether.
Is patch ready for signoff ?
Patch no longer applies.
(In reply to Didier Gautheron from comment #6) > Created attachment 128586 [details] [review] [review] > Bug 26440: Prioritize 'on hold' over Not renewable' in Renew column This patch will have an impact on performance. CheckReserves is a complicated routine that checks many aspects or reserves/holdability and for borrowers with many items, or titles with many holds, we will spend a lot of time in this routine and slow the loading of the patron. At a minimum, I would want to see a system preference here, so larger systems can prioritize performance, and others can prioritize 'On hold' message. I also think we should tackle the issue that when a renewal is attempted, the table is reloaded, rather than just the rows updated as needed and new messages lost
*** Bug 34809 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Maybe Bug 36331 has some impact ?