Currently searching is quite limited in search authorities in Koha, it would be nice to have an 'advanced search' to broaden the current search that is available. One specific search would be to the ability to search by Authority number in this module.
To further explain. sn: biblio number returns a specific bibliographic record an: authority number returns bibliographic records that use authorities with that number. While a useful search, is not as logical. I expected the search to return that specific authority record. Both of these searches occur in the Search Catalog search box. It would be an improvement if the search authority box in the authority module had an option or ability to search by authority number to return specific authority records.
Hi Esther, are you searching in the catalog or in the authorities module? Authorities can't be found in the catalog as authorities and bibliographic records are different data sets in Koha.
I tried both. an: authority number only appears to work when searching the catalog. It makes sense it would return bibliographic records in that module that use the required authority. It does not appear to work in the authority search, nor does there appear to be any other way to search by authority number.
Both data sets are differently indexed - i believe you are right that the search in authorities could be improved. The authority number might be indexed under a different index name.
Similarly, it would be beneficial to view the source (MARC |2) of the Authority record, namely lcgft and gsafd. Right now, the only way to view is in edit (accessing Authorities via Advanced editor) and then you can't go back to select one or the other. Also - search doesn't return any results when lcgft (etc) remains in Main Headings search parameters.