AllowCheckoutNotes allows patrons to add notes for a specific checkout from OPAC. It could be useful we could have the same feature on Staff client. Librarians could add some useful informations for checking (annotated or highlighted text before the checkout, book already damaged, needs a new label after the return, etc.). A good feature to have less litigation with patrons when checking books with some problems !
Yes, it could be useful
I've recently had two libraries moving to Koha that had this feature in their old system (one an actual ILS, the other an Excel spreadsheet). They added information about checkouts such as - piece missing - lent without xyz part - when they bring it back, they are allowed to take it again IF not one has asked for it - loaned for 6 weeks, but can be recalled if someone else needs it - Renewed: Patron e-mailed to say he would be late returning the item since he is sick For migrations, I put those in the patron messages, but they're not really patron messages. They are messages that pertain to specific checkouts. Anyway, I just wanted to add some actual real life use cases. :)
We've had a library or two who would like this as well. It's not a priority at the moment, but it would be great to see it in Koha one day.