Bug 27480 - Improve link text when logged in to OPAC as wrong user
Summary: Improve link text when logged in to OPAC as wrong user
Alias: None
Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Templates (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All All
: P5 - low enhancement
Assignee: Ava
QA Contact: Testopia
Keywords: Academy
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Reported: 2021-01-20 02:34 UTC by Aleisha Amohia
Modified: 2021-12-13 21:10 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Bug 27480: Improved link text when logged in to OPAC as wrong user (1.45 KB, patch)
2021-01-20 03:18 UTC, Ava
Details | Diff | Splinter Review

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Description Aleisha Amohia 2021-01-20 02:34:55 UTC
koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/en/modules/opac-user.tt:                    <p><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-main.pl?logout.x=1">Click here if you're not [% INCLUDE 'patron-title.inc' patron = logged_in_user %]</a></p>

"Here" should not be used as a link text as it doesn't contain any helpful information for people scanning the page for information and also is a problem for blind users using screen readers jumping from link to link on a page.

to reproduce:
log in to OPAC
go to your account (top-right link)
notice 'click here' link needs to be reworded
Comment 1 Ava 2021-01-20 03:18:21 UTC
Created attachment 115407 [details] [review]
Bug 27480: Improved link text when logged in to OPAC as wrong user

1) Log on to OPAC

2) Go to 'Your Account" (top right corner)

3) If under Hello, 'Name' is

"If you are not 'Name'

The patch has worked
Comment 2 Owen Leonard 2021-01-20 16:09:38 UTC
I disagree with this change. Before the patch the link is a complete sentence, so it doesn't match the criteria '"Here" should not be used as a link text.'

I don't think this link requires a change at all.
Comment 3 Aleisha Amohia 2021-01-20 19:47:15 UTC
That makes sense. Will close this one.