When populating a basket via a staged MARC file and checking for duplicates, if a duplicate is found then one is expected to use the "Add Order" button on that title to manage that title individually and decide whether to use the existing bib or create a new one. Either choice pushes one to neworderempty.pl (rather than addorderiso2709.pl). Values from MARCItemFieldsToOrder are not applied on neworderempty.pl, which complicates the workflow and requires the user to manually enter those values. To recreate: 1 - export a bib from your collection 2 - edit that bib to add some item values formatted in accordance with your MARCItemFieldsToOrder syspref 3 - create a basket in Acq set to create items at ordering 4 - add to your basket from a new file, select your exported and edited bib 5 - on addorderiso2709.pl, confirm your MARCItemFieldsToOrder values show up 6 - click Add Order 7 - select wither Use Existing Record or Create New Record 8 - confirm that you end up on neworderempty.pl without your MARCItemFieldsToOrder values