When using bulkmarcimport with the -d switch should not only delete biblio, biblioitems and items, but also biblio_metadata. I haven't checked if a FK takes care of the data, but if it does, we should still also reset the AUTO_INCREMENT: https://git.koha-community.org/Koha-community/Koha/src/branch/master/misc/migration_tools/bulkmarcimport.pl#L172
Created attachment 176844 [details] [review] Bug 28528: bulkmarcimport delete option doesn't delete biblio_metadata When using bulkmarcimport with the -d switch should not only delete biblio, biblioitems and items, but also biblio_metadata. I haven't checked if a FK takes care of the data, but if it does, we should still also reset the AUTO_INCREMENT:... Test plan: ========== 1. Check (and notice) the number of records in the biblio (bCount) and biblio_metadata (bmCount) tables. Check the AUTO_INCREMENT value for these tables (bAI, bmAI). 2. Import bibliographic records with delete, turn off foreign key checks and non-existent filename: misc/migration_tools/bulkmarcimport.pl -b -d -fk -file=non-exist-file ==> "Could not open..." is OK, file doesn't exist. 3. Repeat p. 1 and compare with previously noticed: bCount => 0 (OK) bmCount => unchanged (NOT OK) bAI => 1 (OK) bmAI => unchanged (NOT OK) 4. Apply the patch. 5. Repeat p. 2-3: bCount => 0 (OK) bmCount => 0 (changed, OK) bAI => 1 (OK) bmAI => 1 (changed, OK) Sponsored-by: Ignatianum University in Cracow