At the moment you can see that an item was received in the basket summary page by looking at the (received) in front of the title. But there is no easy way to tell when it was received, whch would often be helpful, for example when working with standing orders. We could add the receive date in a new column (hidden by default) or even make it visible in the note: (Received <date>). Adding a span with a class would then still allow to hide this information if needed.
+1 Excellent suggestion. I would prefer a new column for the receive date. I'm not sure if this is what you mean but I'm concerned about adding it alongside the title/author/ISBN because I don't want to obscure scanning for that info (screenshot attached) Also it seems like if it was in its own column then it would be easily sortable.
Created attachment 123861 [details] Received date Feels like a display such as this is getting too crowded. A separate column would be nicer.