Selecting outstanding fines which do not happen to be the earliest in the accountlines table for the borrower will result in the earliest fines being written off instead of the ones selected. 1. In a list of 4 fines for a borrower, select tick box on one which was not the first to be accrued. 2. Click the write off button at the bottom of the screen. 3. Note the payment is shown against the earliest accrued item instead.
Hi Bernard, I believe this could be bug 26536. It was fixed in 20.05, but we had reports that it was not an issue in 19.11. I am linking those 2 bugs for now, but could you check he descriptions there fit your problem?
Hi Katrin, I think you are right and the descriptions do match. I applied the patch and it now works. They are on 19.11.10 for info and upgrading shortly so all should be well.
Thx for the feedback!
As we ran into the same issue on 19.11.23 and the patches in bug 26356 fixed it for us as well I think it is safe to say this is a duplicate.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 26356 ***
Wrong bug number, bug 26536 is correct. Sorry. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 26536 ***