We noticed while trying to add some jQuery to the quick add from that there are duplicate id's on the page for each input. The jQuery on memberentrygen.tt checks to see what fields should be present on the quick_add_form and then uses jQuery clone() to add them to the quick_add_form. The problem is this creates duplicate ID's which is invalid HTML. We should change those cloned ID's so they are not duplicates.
Created attachment 126681 [details] [review] Bug 29303: Give quick add form fields new ID and for attributes To test: 1.Go to the quick add patron form 2. Use the browser dev tools to notice that there are duplicate ID's for every input on the qa form. One is showing and one is hidden. 3. These duplicate ID's won't show up in the page source because they are added with JS. 4. Apply patch 5. Try step 2 again, the quick add form fields should have an ID starting with 'qa_'. The labels 'for' attribute should aslo have this. 6. Make sure the patron quick add form still works. 7. Add several new fields to the patron qa form and make sure everything is right.
It looks like this is adding a duplicate id to <label>s: <label for="qa_surname" class="required" id="qa_surname">Surname: </label> <input type="text" id="qa_surname" name="surname"...
Created attachment 127436 [details] [review] Bug 29330: (QA follow-up) Use passed MIME type Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io>
Hi Lucas, Is there any chance you could take another look at this? I'd love to be able to use jQuery on the quick add form and the duplicate ids are a real problem.
Appears to have been resolved as part of Bug 31497 *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 31497 ***