When there is a requested transfer on an item, we should show that in the item's status in the holdings table on /catalogue/detail.pl. Right now, the requested transfer can only be seen in the Transfers to Send report in circulation. Maybe instead of "Available" they could say "Transfer requested to [branch]"?
+1 This bug makes it difficult for consortiums to track requested transfers, since they really only appear on the Transfers to Send report for each branch.
Hi Andrew and Micheal, just a question: are requested transfers always related to stock rotation or are there other ways to make this happen (and to test this)?
Rotating collections also adds to requested transfers.. currently, all others still get pushed straight into transfer so would appear in transfers to receive as always. I like this idea though.. will take a quick look at implementing it.
It appears that in 23.05, when items in a rotating collection are transferred within the tool, a "Transit pending from branch A to branch B as of [date]" status now appears in the holdings table. This will remain until the item is checked in and put into "In transit" status, or the item is checked out to a patron. If the item is checked out to a patron, when the item is returned, the transit pending status does not reappear in the holdings table (bug 23361), but rather the item displays as "Available".