Hi, In administration module, autoBarcode preference is set to "generated in the form <branchcode> yymm001". In framework structure, barcode.pl plugin is called in the item barcode field. I am editing a serial (Create an item record when receiving this serial is set), change the status to "Arrived", automatically create a barcode by clicking on barcode box, then create a supplemental issue (before to save). The automatic barcode for this supplemental issue is equal to the regular issue above. Don't know if it is possible but the plugin barcode.pl should check for a previous auto generated barcode in the current page in order to avoid duplicate barcode.
I think there is a similar issue on bug 8425 for AutoBarcode and adding multiple items in acq.
You are right : it is not the same module, but it is the same issue.
This problem still persists in 24.11. When receiving multiple copies, issues, or supplemental issues with autobarcode enabled, the barcode is identical across all the arriving issues. Attempting to save the arriving issues fails due to the duplicate barcodes. Refreshing the screen between receiving attempts does seem to auto-populate with an available barcode, however this only works when receiving one issue. The barcode does not increment when receiving multiple issues, adding a supplemental issue, or receiving multiple copies of either. To Replicate 1. Enable autobarcode 2. Setup a subscription with item creation on receipt. 3. Generate several issues. 4. Select one issue and set to arrive. 5. In the item form, click in the barcode box and take note of the number 6. In the copies box enter 3. 7. Save. The subscription should save correctly. Go to the bibliographic record in a new tab and check the items. See the barcodes have incremented correctly. 8. Return to the tab to receive a new issue. Refresh the screen. 9. Select an issue and set to arrive. 10. Click in the barcode box and see the barcode has incremented to the next available barcode. 11. Select another issue and set to arrive. 12. Click in the barcode box and see the barcode is identical. 13. Add a supplemental issue and click in the barcorde box. The barcode is identical. Only one issue can be received at a time in order for the autobarcode to increment correctly.
This bug is solved by Bug 8425, tested on main today. Could someone confirm ?