Some discovery systems (Aspen for instance) provide a self registration function. Currently the Koha preference 'PatronSelfRegistrationVerifyByEmail' cannot be utilized via the API. We propose to add two endpoints: 1 - Registration - This will take a borrower object, verify the required/unwanted fields, and create a patron modification request as on '' when verification is enabled - The endpoint will take an option to send/suppress the email from Koha so that integrating systems may generate their own - The endpoint will take an optional return URL to be passed through when generating the verification email so the outside system can handle the verification - The endpoint will return the verification token 2 - Verification - The endpoint will accept the token generated above and complete patron creation as in
Thought from Tomas: Use X-Koha-Override
Most of us use email as our primary communication medium. Between email client filters, local firewalls, and 3rd party systems such as amazonses, email communication is fast becoming unreliable. We need an automated way that will quickly verify that the provided email address/communication [initially] works at the new-member application stage. With the marriages of discovery systems, like Aspen, this is important to be able for companion systems function seamlessly together.