Cataloging individual records using Frameworks. Using version 21.05.03 running on Ubuntu. Looking at the code, (near line 445) I see that editing existing records that are greater than 100 characters long brings up the textarea method of input, and newlines are accepted. However if the existing shorter input, or any new input is forced to a single line text box and \n are ignored. My point is it is ridiculous that accepting of \n from the keyboard is acceptable during some conditions, but not others. As I have submitted in a bug report 30364 I also wish that the behaviour of the HTML input field should not vary if a plugin is present. I propose that a new flag in the framework should determine if a subfield will use the HTML input text or the textarea for input, and thus whether or not \n is accepted, and this should allow \n in input of any length up to the maximum length usually 9999 which currently does not seem to be used.