The description of the DefaultHoldPickupLocation uses some false terminology: staff client should be staff interface branch should be library
Created attachment 136308 [details] [review] Bug 30990: Fix DefaultHoldPickupLocation system preference description Changes: * branch to library * staff client to staff interface * adds an ending . To test: - Compare system preference descrpition before and after the patch was applied.
Created attachment 136309 [details] [review] Bug 30990: Fix DefaultHoldPickupLocation system preference description Changes: * branch to library * staff client to staff interface * adds an ending . To test: - Compare system preference descrpition before and after the patch was applied. Signed-off-by: Lucas Gass <>
Created attachment 137143 [details] [review] Bug 30990: Fix DefaultHoldPickupLocation system preference description Changes: * branch to library * staff client to staff interface * adds an ending . To test: - Compare system preference descrpition before and after the patch was applied. Signed-off-by: Lucas Gass <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Should we add a QA check to catch "staff client", "home branch" and "holding branch"? If so please open an issue on the qa-test-tools project.
On one hand it would be nice, but we can only catch the versions we know should not be used and would have to limit it translatable strings (we have plenty of branch, reserve etc. in source code). Not sure if that's doable/worth the hassle?
Pushed to master for 22.11. Nice work everyone, thanks!
Backported to 22.05.x for 22.05.04
syspref DefaultHoldPickupLocation doesn't exist in 21.11. won't backport