Bug 31042 - OVERRIDE_SYSPREF does not work for REST API
Summary: OVERRIDE_SYSPREF does not work for REST API
Status: In Discussion
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Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: REST API (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All All
: P5 - low major
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Reported: 2022-06-24 14:09 UTC by Jonathan Druart
Modified: 2023-09-21 02:33 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

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Description Jonathan Druart 2022-06-24 14:09:53 UTC
We are supposed to be able to override syspref's values using the OVERRIDE_SYSPREF trick, but it's not working for the REST API.

To recreate, open /etc/koha/apache-shared-intranet-plack.conf and add
  RequestHeader add X-Koha-SetEnv "OVERRIDE_SYSPREF_Foo Bar"

Add some warn, mainpage.pl and Koha/REST/V1/Patrons.pm (sub list) for instance
warn C4::Context->preference('Foo');

Hit the mainpage, look at the log, you see "Bar". Search for patrons: "Use of uninitialized value in warn"
=> The syspref hasn't been overridden.
Comment 1 Jonathan Druart 2022-06-24 14:11:24 UTC
The only thing I see is that we are using Plack::App::CGIBin for the intranet and Mojo::Server::PSGI for the API. Could that be a lead?
Comment 2 David Cook 2022-10-12 01:29:53 UTC
That's very interesting. 

I thought maybe the problem was with RequestHeader/RewriteRule not mixing, but the issue exists for both http://localhost:8081/api/v1/patrons and http://localhost:8081/api/v1/app.pl/api/v1/patrons 

When I dump out the variables from Koha/Middleware/SetEnv.pm I see the data coming through for both the mainpage.pl and the API:


When I dump %ENV for mainpage.pl, I see lots of HTTP_X headers including:

When I dump %ENV for API, I don't see any HTTP_X headers... which look like they're just the environmental variables Starman started with...

Yep... you need to access the Plack/PSGI-level environmental variables in Mojo::Server::PSGI using $c->req->env. 

Plack::App::CGIBin uses Plack::App::WrapCGI which resets the %ENV variables at this line:
Comment 3 David Cook 2022-10-12 02:09:53 UTC
So... that's interesting.

Since %ENV is a global variable, anything we do to it will affect the whole life of the Starman worker process.

It looks like we're setting $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} in Koha/Middleware/RealIP.pm so we're already meddling with that global variable. Since REMOTE_ADDR gets set by every request, I suppose there's no real problem...

I suppose we could update Koha/Middleware/SetEnv.pm or Koha/REST/V1.pm, to update %ENV... and folk would need to know they'd need to restart Starman if they change their RequestHeader directives in Apache...


(As an aside, are we actually flushing L1 caches with the REST API? I don't see anything for it at a glance...)

Comment 4 David Cook 2022-10-12 02:39:18 UTC
I'm looking at custom code right now but there's a little over 100 instances of $ENV in the code I'm looking at.

For CGI-style .pl scripts, that should be fine. 

For Perl modules, it's more of a problem since they can be used by Mojolicious code and create bugs as a result. Like we're seeing now.


I suppose one option would be to move $ENV calls to C4::Context->env(...) which could check %ENV and/or a $req_env variable which could be set per request (using various mechanisms). That seems like a bit of a hack though.

The shortest path is just to pollute %ENV like we're doing with REMOTE_ADDR. 


Another idea for this very particular use case would be to create a cache in C4::Context and then use before_dispatch hook in Koha/REST/V1.pm to set that C4::Context cache from the $env variable. 

(That works while we're using synchronous requests, but if we used Mojo asynchronously then that would probably be vulnerable to a race condition.)

Comment 5 David Cook 2022-10-12 03:43:23 UTC
Over time, we'll find global variables and singletons like C4::Context are going to cause more and more headaches.

Yet, we've deeply embedded C4::Context->preference throughout all our code...

For example, Koha::Patron->store() is riddled with syspref calls. 

Over time, it would be an idea to switch from C4::Context->preference() to $c->syspref() and to pass preferences through function/method calls. (That would help support multitenancy and non-blocking programming in the future too.)
Comment 6 David Cook 2022-10-12 03:44:12 UTC
And I realized that just using %ENV could be a problem since the intranet, opac, and API all are served by the same workers.

Unless care is taken to clean the %ENV each time then even the shortest path is fraught...
Comment 7 David Cook 2023-09-18 07:16:22 UTC
You know what... I wonder if this is still a problem.

I discovered a problem with Koha/Middleware/SetEnv.pm a while back and fixed it in bug 33967. See my comment at https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=23068#c54

That said, it might not be related... something to investigate...
Comment 8 Jonathan Druart 2023-09-20 10:32:09 UTC
(In reply to David Cook from comment #7)
> You know what... I wonder if this is still a problem.

Yes it is, I still get "Use of uninitialized value in warn at /kohadevbox/koha/Koha/REST/V1/Patrons.pm" when redoing comment 0.
Comment 9 David Cook 2023-09-21 02:11:49 UTC
(In reply to Jonathan Druart from comment #0)
> We are supposed to be able to override syspref's values using the
> OVERRIDE_SYSPREF trick, but it's not working for the REST API.
> To recreate, open /etc/koha/apache-shared-intranet-plack.conf and add
>   RequestHeader add X-Koha-SetEnv "OVERRIDE_SYSPREF_Foo Bar"
> Add some warn, mainpage.pl and Koha/REST/V1/Patrons.pm (sub list) for
> instance
> warn C4::Context->preference('Foo');
> Hit the mainpage, look at the log, you see "Bar". Search for patrons: "Use
> of uninitialized value in warn"
> => The syspref hasn't been overridden.

tail -f /var/log/koha/kohadev/plack-intranet-error.log
[2023/09/21 02:10:38] [WARN] Bar at /kohadevbox/koha/mainpage.pl line 42.

tail -f /var/log/koha/kohadev/plack-api-error.log
[2023/09/21 02:11:27] [WARN] Use of uninitialized value in warn at /kohadevbox/koha/Koha/REST/V1/Patrons.pm line 46.
[2023/09/21 02:11:27] [WARN] Warning: something's wrong at /kohadevbox/koha/Koha/REST/V1/Patrons.pm line 46.
Comment 10 David Cook 2023-09-21 02:33:13 UTC
So options...

Like Koha/Middleware/RealIP.pm we could update Koha/Middleware/SetEnv.pm to work with the %ENV and not just the $env. 

That's probably the shortest path.

Add code to Koha/REST/V1.pm to update %ENV like https://metacpan.org/dist/Plack/source/lib/Plack/App/WrapCGI.pm#L48 or another data structure that could be used by C4::Context->preference

This is probably more logical and not too much longer


But really this shows how problematic our use of C4::Context->preference really is. (It's also why in other bugs I've said that I don't think it's a great idea for us to embed C4::Context as deeply in Koha modules as we do.)