Add information to the manual on how to set up Tools > Export data so that the database and configuration backups are enabled and shown.
This is set up by: 1. Enabling the export of the database and configuration in the Koha instance koha-conf.xml file: . backup directory: <backupdir>/var/spool/koha/kohadev</backupdir> . enable database and configuration dumps (change 0 to 1): <!-- Enable the two following to allow superlibrarians to download database and configuration dumps (respectively) from the Export tool --> <backup_db_via_tools>1</backup_db_via_tools> <backup_conf_via_tools>1</backup_conf_via_tools> 2. Running koha-run-backups so that the downloadable backups are created and available. Example: koha-run-backups --days 2 --output /var/spool/koha 3. This can be done either as a one-off, or as a setup as a cronjob so that it runs regularly. Areas in the manual to update or cross-reference: - tools.rst: - cron_jobs.rst: - this covers a different option that is a separate script to run a database backup and set it up as a cron job, once the relative merits of the different approaches are worked out add across-reference to how to do backups with koha-run-backups Ideas for improvement: - Look at adding something/section/guide about system administration activities and tasks (as opposed to these are the cron jobs available, and the Koha package commands).
No, because the backup is not finalizing. $koha-dump instance Dumping Koha site instace: