Bug 31254 - Add additional fields for accountlines
Summary: Add additional fields for accountlines
Alias: None
Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Fines and fees (show other bugs)
Version: Main
Hardware: All All
: P5 - low enhancement
Assignee: Julian Maurice
QA Contact: Katrin Fischer
Depends on:
Blocks: 35080
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Reported: 2022-07-28 14:26 UTC by Julian Maurice
Modified: 2024-07-04 20:37 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Change sponsored?: ---
Patch complexity: Medium patch
Documentation contact: Caroline Cyr La Rose
Documentation submission: https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-manual/-/merge_requests/629/commits
Text to go in the release notes:
This enhancement adds the possibility to create additional fields for debits and credits. The fields can be added through the administration module. Debit additional fields appear when creating manual invoices in a patron's account, while credit additional fields appear when paying or writing off charges, or creating manual credits in a patron's account.
Version(s) released in:
Circulation function:

Bug 31254: Add additional fields for accountlines (19.82 KB, patch)
2022-07-28 14:27 UTC, Julian Maurice
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Make a payment (35.18 KB, image/png)
2022-07-29 16:26 UTC, Emmanuel Bétemps
Bug 31254: Add additional fields for accountlines (19.87 KB, patch)
2022-08-22 14:15 UTC, Biblibre Sandboxes
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Bug 31254: Add additional fields for accountlines (19.93 KB, patch)
2022-08-28 12:38 UTC, Katrin Fischer
Details | Diff | Splinter Review

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Julian Maurice 2022-07-28 14:26:44 UTC

Comment 1 Julian Maurice 2022-07-28 14:27:34 UTC
Created attachment 138207 [details] [review]
Bug 31254: Add additional fields for accountlines

Test plan:
1. Go to Admin » Additional fields
   There are two new categories: "Account lines (credit)" and
   "Account lines (debit)"
2. Create fields for both categories, with and without an authorized
   value category
3. Go to a user's accounting page
4. Create a manual invoice. Verify that all "debit" fields are there,
   put a value in them and save
5. Create a manual credit. Verify that all "credit" fields are there,
   put a value in them and save
6. Make a payment. Verify that all "credit" fields are there, put a
   value in them and save
7. Go to the transactions tab, click on the "Details" button for the
   lines you just created and verify that the additional fields are
Comment 2 Emmanuel Bétemps 2022-07-29 16:26:05 UTC
Created attachment 138370 [details]
Make a payment

Steps 1 to 5 are ok (I see the credits / debits fileds I created)

At step 6, I don't see any Credit fields as I saw them at steps 4-5
Maybe I don't look at the right place ? (screenshot taken)
Comment 3 Julian Maurice 2022-08-22 07:18:50 UTC
(In reply to Emmanuel Bétemps from comment #2)
> Created attachment 138370 [details]
> Make a payment
> Steps 1 to 5 are ok (I see the credits / debits fileds I created)
> At step 6, I don't see any Credit fields as I saw them at steps 4-5
> Maybe I don't look at the right place ? (screenshot taken)

Sorry, it wasn't very clear. Additional fields are not supposed to be on this page. You need to click "Pay" or "Write off" to see them
Comment 4 Biblibre Sandboxes 2022-08-22 14:15:25 UTC
Created attachment 139604 [details] [review]
Bug 31254: Add additional fields for accountlines

Test plan:
1. Go to Admin » Additional fields
   There are two new categories: "Account lines (credit)" and
   "Account lines (debit)"
2. Create fields for both categories, with and without an authorized
   value category
3. Go to a user's accounting page
4. Create a manual invoice. Verify that all "debit" fields are there,
   put a value in them and save
5. Create a manual credit. Verify that all "credit" fields are there,
   put a value in them and save
6. Make a payment. Verify that all "credit" fields are there, put a
   value in them and save
7. Go to the transactions tab, click on the "Details" button for the
   lines you just created and verify that the additional fields are

Signed-off-by: Emmanuel Bétemps <e.betemps@gmail.com>
Comment 5 Emmanuel Bétemps 2022-08-22 14:17:07 UTC
thanks, I understood and did as you said
it works
Comment 6 Katrin Fischer 2022-08-28 12:38:17 UTC
Created attachment 139910 [details] [review]
Bug 31254: Add additional fields for accountlines

Test plan:
1. Go to Admin » Additional fields
   There are two new categories: "Account lines (credit)" and
   "Account lines (debit)"
2. Create fields for both categories, with and without an authorized
   value category
3. Go to a user's accounting page
4. Create a manual invoice. Verify that all "debit" fields are there,
   put a value in them and save
5. Create a manual credit. Verify that all "credit" fields are there,
   put a value in them and save
6. Make a payment. Verify that all "credit" fields are there, put a
   value in them and save
7. Go to the transactions tab, click on the "Details" button for the
   lines you just created and verify that the additional fields are

Signed-off-by: Emmanuel Bétemps <e.betemps@gmail.com>

Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer.83@web.de>
Comment 7 Katrin Fischer 2022-08-28 12:40:06 UTC
This works as described and I think it will be a nice addition to the additional field system. 

I'd be interested in use cases for this - Julian, maybe you can share what triggered this development?

Also, any plans to revive Bug 11844 - Additional fields for order lines?
Comment 8 Tomás Cohen Arazi (tcohen) 2022-09-21 22:05:06 UTC
Pushed to master for 22.11.

Nice work everyone, thanks!
Comment 9 Lucas Gass (lukeg) 2022-10-31 22:24:54 UTC
Enhancement will not be backported to 22.05.x series
Comment 10 Julian Maurice 2023-02-17 11:03:11 UTC
(In reply to Katrin Fischer from comment #7)
> I'd be interested in use cases for this - Julian, maybe you can share what
> triggered this development?

We did it for a client that wanted to add the check number and the bank name to a payment. I don't remember why the "note" field wasn't enough... maybe to be able to separate them on the "print" view
Comment 11 Katrin Fischer 2023-02-17 11:34:38 UTC
(In reply to Julian Maurice from comment #10)
> (In reply to Katrin Fischer from comment #7)
> > I'd be interested in use cases for this - Julian, maybe you can share what
> > triggered this development?
> We did it for a client that wanted to add the check number and the bank name
> to a payment. I don't remember why the "note" field wasn't enough... maybe
> to be able to separate them on the "print" view
