koha-run-backups takes the --days argument to say how many days of backup we should keep around. The value of this is set to two in the default /etc/cron.daily/koha-common that is installed by the Debian packages. I routinely increase this value to keep more backup. One thing that can happen now is that I want to create fresh backups for all the sites on a server before doing an upgrade. So I run koha-run-backups manually, but I forget about the --days argument. Result: I loose a lot of backup! It would be nice if the default for --days could be set somewhere like /etc/koha/koha-common.conf. That way we could run koha-run-backups both from cron and manually, without the --days argument, and keep the same amount of backups either way. If --days is given as an argument, it should override the default.