I think the 'Notes' section on the import patrons page needs either page-section or a similar, but different background, class adding to distinguish the notes as 'info only'
Created attachment 142449 [details] [review] Bug 31765: Add page-section and bg-info classes to 'Notes' This patch adds the page-section and bg-info classes to the 'Notes' section of the patron imports page. As part of this patch, we update the base 'card' mixin to allow background colors to be overwridden with the standard bg-* options available in [bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/utilities/colors/) Test plan 1) Build your CSS in the usual way 2) Confirm the Notes block looks OK on the patron imports tool
Created attachment 142461 [details] [review] Bug 31765: Add page-section and bg-info classes to 'Notes' This patch adds the page-section and bg-info classes to the 'Notes' section of the patron imports page. As part of this patch, we update the base 'card' mixin to allow background colors to be overwridden with the standard bg-* options available in [bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/utilities/colors/) Test plan 1) Build your CSS in the usual way 2) Confirm the Notes block looks OK on the patron imports tool
Created attachment 142462 [details] [review] Bug 31765: Add page-section and bg-info classes to 'Notes' This patch adds the page-section and bg-info classes to the 'Notes' section of the patron imports page. As part of this patch, we update the base 'card' mixin to allow background colors to be overwridden with the standard bg-* options available in [bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/utilities/colors/) Test plan 1) Build your CSS in the usual way 2) Confirm the Notes block looks OK on the patron imports tool Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer.83@web.de>
Moving this directly on to Tomas.
Pushed to master for 22.11. Nice work everyone, thanks!