The welcome email option on the patron import page appears as list item with the dot in front of the checkbox. The list-style-type should be none here.
Created attachment 142086 [details] [review] Bug 31850: Patron import: welcome email option style as list This patch corrects the markup around the "Send email to new patrons" checkbox on the patron import page. The list should be an ordered list, not an unordered list. To test, apply the patch and go to Tools -> Import patrons. In the "Welcome email" section, there should be no bullet point before the "Send email to new patrons" line.
Created attachment 142100 [details] [review] Bug 31850: Patron import: welcome email option style as list This patch corrects the markup around the "Send email to new patrons" checkbox on the patron import page. The list should be an ordered list, not an unordered list. To test, apply the patch and go to Tools -> Import patrons. In the "Welcome email" section, there should be no bullet point before the "Send email to new patrons" line. Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Created attachment 142305 [details] [review] Bug 31850: Patron import: welcome email option style as list This patch corrects the markup around the "Send email to new patrons" checkbox on the patron import page. The list should be an ordered list, not an unordered list. To test, apply the patch and go to Tools -> Import patrons. In the "Welcome email" section, there should be no bullet point before the "Send email to new patrons" line. Signed-off-by: David Nind <> Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Pushed to master for 22.11. Nice work everyone, thanks!