Bug 32063 - Streamline importing of records
Summary: Streamline importing of records
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Staff interface (show other bugs)
Version: Main
Hardware: All All
: P5 - low enhancement
Assignee: Bugs List
QA Contact: Testopia
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Reported: 2022-11-01 21:36 UTC by Caroline Cyr La Rose
Modified: 2022-11-17 06:34 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Patch complexity: ---
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Description Caroline Cyr La Rose 2022-11-01 21:36:10 UTC
Since bug 27421, importing records is managed in background jobs. I feel like this has added steps/clicks to something that was already click-heavy.

Before (basing off of 22.05), to import a record file
1. Go to Tools > Stage MARC records for import
2. Click Browse and choose the file
3. Click Upload file
4. Choose the settings
5. Click Stage for import
   --> The summary of the file is presented
6. Click Manage staged records
   --> I am taken directly to manage my file
7. If needed, choose parameters, framework, etc.
8. Click Import this file into the catalog
   --> File is imported
   --> If needed, I can view/edit the records (for bibliographic records, this is almost always since I add items manually to add the barcodes)

Now (based off master 22.06.?)
1. Go to Cataloging > Stage records for import
2. Click Browse and choose the file
3. Click Upload file
4. Choose the settings
5. Click Stage for import
6. Click View details of the enqueued job
7. Click View batch
8. If needed, choose parameters, framework, etc.
9. Click Import this file into the catalog
Mine, for some reason, never works on the first try, so I have to go back and click Import this file into the catalog again, then it works. I hope this is just me...
10. Click Manage imported batch (if needed to see the records to add items for example)

So it's not that many new clicks, but it's still two more steps than before, 10 vs 8 (or four more if the import doesn't work on the first try like mine!)
Comment 1 Katrin Fischer 2022-11-17 00:31:17 UTC
Hi Caroline, I think the new'ish progress bar and this bug might help with that a little: 
Bug 31891 - Regression: show "MARC staging results" with clear link to manage staged batch
Comment 2 Jonathan Druart 2022-11-17 06:34:59 UTC
Please let me know if you think we can still improve it!