When using Batch Patron Modification to add a new "Circulation Note" field, the new entry wipes out any existing Circulation Notes on the patrons accounts. This is problematic, especially for accounts that require we keep historical records of patron interactions with staff. I propose that the newly added note be added to the end of whatever Circulation Notes already exist on the account, i.e.: Note 1; Note 2; Note 3; New Note Added Today Alternatively, I'd love to see the Circulation Note field act similar to the Patron Message field, where the librarian/date/time are logged when notes are added to the accounts.
I, too, would love to see this enhancement. I'm not a fan of text fields overwriting existing data as a "default." I would prefer, as Rebecca suggested, that the new data would prepend or append the existing data unless a check box to overwrite existing data was checked. Further, I also love the idea of having the librarian/date/time displayed/logged like Koha does in the Messages field. Lastly, it would also be hugely beneficial if the "Message" field could be updated for multiple patrons via batch update. [Our workflow: We use Messages as an "action now" tool (i.e., "Let the patron know the two latest Baldacci books have finally come in."...and the Message is deleted once the patron is told). Circ Notes are used as a historical record (i.e., Patron frequently returns children's books with teeth marks and has been warned that this is considered damage. Monitor for pattern.).]
This would be a great addition to the patron batch modification tool.
Agreed, this would be handy. Item and biblio batch mod became capable of this by way of adding regex support. If we allowed regular expression substitutions here that would allow Rebecca's requested functionality and more.