Currently you can set specific patron categories for specific libraries, or all. If we set them for specific libraries, that works well. What doesn't work is if the patron is edited by another library that doesn't have access to that particular category. If you edit a patron account that has a category that is not used by your library, the category will be changed to the top most category without warning. It would be preferred that if a patron is assigned a patron category that is not normally used by your library, that when editing, it would retain that category unless you change it. In other words, library limitations should only affect choosing those items (patron categories, shelving locations, or anything else that uses limitations). It shouldn't change it if you are updating a record. You should be allowed to change from it. But once you have changed from it, it shouldn't show, and you shouldn't be able to change back. This should probably be set for other library limitations too, but I specifically want to address patron categories in this bug. I think the simplest way to put this is, library limited items should show when in use and active on the record in question, but should not show when they aren't.
This has been fixed by bug 31422 *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 31422 ***