When viewing the catalog concerns notices in the patron's file, there is a big whitespace before the text. To reproduce: 1. Enable CatalogConcerns in system preferences 2. Enter an email address in CatalogerEmails 3. Add a concern on a bibliographic record from the staff interface 3.1. Search the catalog for a record 3.2. Click the title to access the details page 3.3. Click New > New catalog concern 3.4. Fill out the form 3.5. Click "Submit" 4. Add an update to the concern 4.1. Go to Cataloging > Catalog concerns 4.2. Click "Details" next to the concern 4.3. Enter some text in the "Update" field 4.4. Check "Notify" 4.5. Click "Comment" 5. Resolve the concern 5.1. Click "Details" again 5.2. Enter some text in the "Update" field 5.3. Check "Notify" 5.4. Click "Resolve" 6. View the notices in the reporter's account 6.1. At the top right, click your username and choose My account 6.2. Click "Notices" on the left 6.3. Click "Catalog concern acknowledgment" (TICKET_ACKNOWLEDGE) --> Long whitespace followed by the text 6.4. Close the preview 6.5. Click "Catalog concern updated" (TICKET_UPDATE) --> Long whitespace followed by the text 6.6. Close the preview 6.7. Click "Catalog concern resolved" (TICKET_RESOLVE) --> Long whitespace followed by the text 7. Check the notice in the CatalogerEmail inbox 7.1. Go to the inbox for the email address in CatalogerEmail and view the "Catalog concern reported" message (TICKET_NOTIFY) (note: in sandbox, check the "Koha mail log") --> Long whitespace followed by text
Is this still the case.. I thought I'd resolved this a number of times already.
I just checked and it seems fine in the interface and the email that is sent. The entry in message_queue is still very long (I have more than one screen long of "nothing"). I zoomed out so we can see the beginning of the entry and the end in the same screen : https://snipboard.io/vbtIYg.jpg