If you search for Accelerated Reader level 6 the system shows all the books at that level, but it also picks up titles that are a reading level of .6 e.g. Angels and Demons by Dan Brown is 5.6 but it is listed when I search for AR level 6. We need a search that will only return books at level 6 (including all decimal points up to 7)
Hi Daphne, are you using Zebra or Elasticsearch? How do you search for the reading level? Are you using "expert search" or some other way? Both search engines might treat . as a space, making 5.6 into too separate words. For Zebra using exact field search with ,ext might work, but I haven't figured out yet how to do an exact field search with Elasticsearch. You could try enclosing in "", but I feel it's probably not enough here.
We use the elasticsearch query string query, you want to do a range search: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.17/query-dsl-query-string-query.html#_ranges Try: arl:[6 TO 7} That should get you 6 and above up to, but excluding 7
[ and } correct?
[] are inclusive {} Are exclusive They can be mixed
(In reply to Katrin Fischer from comment #1) > Hi Daphne, are you using Zebra or Elasticsearch? > > How do you search for the reading level? Are you using "expert search" or > some other way? > > Both search engines might treat . as a space, making 5.6 into too separate > words. > > For Zebra using exact field search with ,ext might work, but I haven't > figured out yet how to do an exact field search with Elasticsearch. You > could try enclosing in "", but I feel it's probably not enough here. Hi Katrin, We're using Zebra Advanced Search and selecting Accelerated Reading Level search.pl?advsearch=1&idx=arl%2Cphr&q=6.&idx=kw&q=&idx=kw&q=&sort_by=relevance We have tried entering 6; 6.; 6%; "6"; 6.0-6.999 but regardless of what we enter the system appears to return everything that contains 6 with 526$c
(In reply to Daphne Hoolahan from comment #5) > > We have tried entering 6; 6.; 6%; "6"; 6.0-6.999 but regardless of what we > enter the system appears to return everything that contains 6 with 526$c Did you try Nick's suggestion from comment 2?
(In reply to Katrin Fischer from comment #6) > (In reply to Daphne Hoolahan from comment #5) > > > > We have tried entering 6; 6.; 6%; "6"; 6.0-6.999 but regardless of what we > > enter the system appears to return everything that contains 6 with 526$c > > Did you try Nick's suggestion from comment 2? I did Katrin, but I don't think it applies to Zebra, I get a response: No results match your search for '"arl:[6 TO 7}"'.
Oh! Zebra. I don't have data for Accelarated Reader level, but this seems to work in our installation: title-cover,first-in-subfield:D Maybe try: arl,first-in-subfield:6 See: https://koha-community.org/manual/22.11/en/html/searching.html#search-syntax