I am trying to work out something in acquisitions and stumbled on this bit: https://git.koha-community.org/Koha-community/Koha/src/branch/master/C4/Budgets.pm#L553 # Get all the budgets totals in as few queries as possible my $hr_budget_spent = $dbh->selectall_hashref(q| SELECT aqorders.budget_id, aqbudgets.budget_parent_id, SUM( | . C4::Acquisition::get_rounding_sql(qq|COALESCE(unitprice_tax_included, ecost_tax_included)|) . q| * quantity ) AS budget_spent FROM aqorders JOIN aqbudgets USING (budget_id) WHERE quantityreceived > 0 AND datecancellationprinted IS NULL GROUP BY budget_id, budget_parent_id |, 'budget_id'); If the amount is spent, I feel multiplying by quantity is incorrect. It should be quantityreceived. I am not sure yet where this is used and how it manifests.