Option "-c" --confirm or --matchpoint? root@koha:/usr/share/koha/bin# perl import_patrons.pl --help Usage: import_patrons.pl --file /path/to/patrons.csv --matchpoint cardnumber --confirm [--default branchcode=MPL] [--overwrite] [--preserve-field <column>] [--preserve-extended-attributes] [--update-expiration] [--expiration-from-today] [--verbose] Options: -h|--help Prints a brief help message and exits -c|--confirm Confirms you really want to import these patrons, otherwise prints this help -f|--file Path to the CSV file of patrons to import -c|--matchpoint Field on which to match incoming patrons to existing patrons -d|--default Set defaults to patron fields, repeatable e.g. --default branchcode=MPL --default categorycode=PT -k|--preserve-field Prevent specified patron fields for existing patrons from being overwritten -o|--overwrite Overwrite existing patrons with new data if a match is found -p|--preserve-extended-attributes Retain extended patron attributes for existing patrons being overwritten -en|--email-new Send the WELCOME notice email to new users -ue|--update-expiration If a matching patron is found, extend the expiration date of their account using the patron's enrollment date as the base -et|--expiration-from-today If a matching patron is found, extend the expiration date of their account using the patron's enrollment date as the base -v|--verbose Be verbose Multiple -v options increase the verbosity 2 repetitions or above will report lines in error 3 repetitions or above will report feedback
Created attachment 153094 [details] [review] Bug 34213: import_patrons.pl - Fix short version of matchpoint option in POD 44 'c|confirm' => \$confirm, 46 'm|matchpoint=s' => \$matchpoint, The POD is wrong.
Created attachment 153757 [details] [review] Bug 34213: import_patrons.pl - Fix short version of matchpoint option in POD 44 'c|confirm' => \$confirm, 46 'm|matchpoint=s' => \$matchpoint, The POD is wrong. Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <m.de.rooy@rijksmuseum.nl>
Pushed to master for 23.11. Nice work everyone, thanks!
More a fix than enhancement I'd say ;) Pushed to 23.05.x for 23.05.03
Nice work everyone! Pushed to 22.11.x for next release
Backported to 22.05.x for upcoming 22.05.16