We were scratching our heads over this one. We were wondering why some clubs were not showing for some patrons, and showing for others. It is because the club is setup to require an email address. Which makes sense. But instead of just hiding the clubs, could they be greyed out or disabled with a red reminder that it requires an email address? This would explain things a lot better. Or, at the very least, if any clubs are hidden, could there at least be a red warning at the top of the clubs that some are hidden because they require an email address?
I don't know the clubs feature very well, could you include some quick setup instructions that show the issue?
1. Create a club that requires an email address to enroll. a. Go to tools --> Patron clubs b. Create a template (New club template): c. Name: Book Club Template d. Require valid email address: enabled e. Save f. Create a club (New club --> Book Club Template): g. Name: Test Club h. Save 2. Go to patron that has an email address. a. Look at the clubs tab. b. Verify the Test Club shows. 3. Remove email address from patron account. a. Look at the clubs tab. b. Verify that the Test Club is no longer visible. This is a confusing aspect of clubs that one of our staff members just got hung up on. There is nothing to indicate that the club isn't showing because the patron doesn't have an email address. AT THE VERY LEAST, the club should show, but be greyed out, and instead of an enroll button, it should say "Patron needs and email address in order to enroll" or something along those lines.