Bug 34798 - Babeltheque url update looks obsolete
Summary: Babeltheque url update looks obsolete
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: OPAC (show other bugs)
Version: Main
Hardware: All All
: P5 - low normal
Assignee: Bugs List
QA Contact: Testopia
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Reported: 2023-09-14 19:49 UTC by Fridolin Somers
Modified: 2023-09-18 15:53 UTC (History)
0 users

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Patch complexity: ---
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Description Fridolin Somers 2023-09-14 19:49:21 UTC
System preference Babeltheque_url_update ususally contains http://www.babelio.info/out_KOHA.csv.bz2

This URL looks obsolete.

In fact, datas from Babeltheque looks working even without this file download via misc/cronjobs/social_data/update_social_data.pl

This means we may remove cronjobs and C4::SocialData :
 > git grep 'C4::SocialData'
C4/SocialData.pm:package C4::SocialData;
C4/SocialData.pm:C4::SocialData - Koha functions for dealing with social datas
C4/SocialData.pm:use C4::SocialData;
C4/SocialData.pm:        my $social_datas = C4::SocialData::get_data( $isbn ); # FIXME Why is data not included in $results ?
misc/cronjobs/social_data/get_report_social_data.pl:use C4::SocialData;
misc/cronjobs/social_data/get_report_social_data.pl:my $results = C4::SocialData::get_report;
misc/cronjobs/social_data/update_social_data.pl:use C4::SocialData;
misc/cronjobs/social_data/update_social_data.pl:C4::SocialData::update_data $output_filepath;
opac/opac-search.pl:use C4::SocialData;
opac/opac-search.pl:                    my $social_datas = C4::SocialData::get_data( $isbn );
t/db_dependent/SocialData.t:use C4::SocialData qw( get_data get_report );
t/db_dependent/SocialData.t:    my $data = C4::SocialData::get_data();
t/db_dependent/SocialData.t:    $data = C4::SocialData::get_data('0-596-52674-1');
t/db_dependent/SocialData.t:    my $report =  C4::SocialData::get_report();
t/db_dependent/SocialData.t:    $report =  C4::SocialData::get_report();
Comment 1 Fridolin Somers 2023-09-14 19:51:04 UTC
In OPAC details page, datas are fetched via JS lib of Babelio.

Places are defined by div with id :
  <div id="BW_notes"></div>
  <div id="BW_etiquettes"></div>