When adding an agreement in the ERM module, you can add users linked to that agreement. For each new user, there is a heading "Agreement user 1", "Agreement user 2", etc. This heading doesn't seem to be translatable. The only "Agreement user" I found in the po files is "Agreement user %s is missing a user". To get there: 1. Enable ERMModule 2. Go to ERM > Agreements > New agreement > Add new user --> A new heading says "Agreement user 1 Remove this user" 3. Update the po files gulp po:update --lang fr-CA 4. Search the po files for "Agreement user" grep "Agreement user" misc/translator/po/fr-CA* --> The string is not in the po files
I just noticed that it is the same for "License user"
Verified this is still valid, I also found the spot in the code, but I am not sure how to fix it: koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/js/vue/components/ERM/LicensesFormAdd.vue <UserRoles :user_type="$__('License user %s')" :user_roles="license.user_roles" :av_user_roles="av_user_roles" /> ... and the same for "Agreement user".