if you install Koha on debian 12 (bookworm) you will end up with version 8 of the module https://metacpan.org/pod/Search::Elasticsearch at the moment of writing this bug report this module doesnt work with ES 7.0 (the latest ES version that I am aware works with Koha 23.05 changing the version requirement in https://github.com/Koha-Community/Koha/blob/master/cpanfile#L99) to ``` requires 'Search::Elasticsearch', '< 8.00'; ``` currently installs Search-Elasticsearch-7.717 which seems to work for me. current workaround for our system. run `cpanm Search::Elasticsearch~"< 8.00"`
On koha-testing-docker using main version 24.0600026, I'm using libsearch-elasticsearch-perl 8.00-1, and it's working with Elasticsearch 7.17.20 So... I think this might be invalid at this time.