Test reproduce: 1) Install FreeForm and enable ILLmodule, run: bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ammopt/koha-ill-dev/master/start-ill-dev.sh) 2) Visit /cgi-bin/koha/ill/ill-requests.pl 3) Create 'New ILL request' 4) Select the request type, input cardnumber '42' and select a library. Hit 'Create' 5) Manage the request created just now: click the request id or 'manage request' button from the table 6) Click "Edit request" from the top actions toolbar 7) Input text in Patron ID e.g. 'asdasd'. Notice you get an unstyled plain text error: "The Patron ID you entered is invalid." Repeat the test plan, but now for the Bibliographic record ID, notice you get a different error but same styling issue exists.