Seeing this when trying to build custom packages: dh clean --fail-missing --with bash-completion dh: warning: Compatibility levels before 10 are deprecated (level 9 in use) dh_auto_clean -O--fail-missing dh_auto_clean: warning: Compatibility levels before 10 are deprecated (level 9 in use) dh_clean -O--fail-missing dh_clean: warning: Compatibility levels before 10 are deprecated (level 9 in use) No idea what it means, but see bug 18908 for a similar fix.
Same quote from bug 18908 """ 5.2. compat The compat file defines the debhelper compatibility level. Currently, you should set it to the debhelper v10 as follows: $ echo 10 > debian/compat You may use compat level v9 in certain circumstances for compatibility with older systems. However, using any level below v9 is not recommended and should be avoided for new packages. """
*** Bug 20352 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***