Item type descriptions are cached with cache key of 'itemtype:description:'.$lang, which is used by function C4::Biblio::GetAuthorisedValueDesc, used for example in OPAC during display of item's item type in the details view table: The problem is, when a new item type is added, that cache key isn't flushed, meaning the new item type won't be displayed in OPAC, an empty field will be shown instead. Flushing memcached mitigates this issue. The cache key is cleared here during tests for instance: I suspect the cache flushing should occur in `admin/`, after $op 'add_validate'. However, I'm not sure how to get the list of all languages to purge (and I assume all of them should be purged). I've found code snippet below, but I'm not sure if this approach would be acceptable (after adjusting the regex of course), given this gets cache by `Koha::Cache::Memory::Lite->get_instance` instead of `Koha::Caches->get_instance`... my $memory_cache = Koha::Cache::Memory::Lite->get_instance; for my $k ( $memory_cache->all_keys ) { $memory_cache->clear_from_cache($k) if $k =~ m{^CircRules:}; } I've also found this snippet (I see calls ->store, so this gets called too): It seems to purge only English, which might be why I experienced the issue that I've experienced. So the question that prevails then is: how do we purge all the used languages?