To recreate: 1. Enable the Point of Sale syspref. 2. Configure a cash register with an apostrophe in the name & description. For example: Laura's Cash Register 3. Configure an item for purchase. 4. Using the POS collect a payment for an item. 5. View the Transaction History for the cash register. Notice that nothing is showing in any of the tables. 6. Select a date range for displaying transactions. Example: 1/10/2024 to 1/16/2024. Notice that the past sales table appears but is showing "DATA" and has data like "{ "type": "credit", "identifier": "", "description": "Purchase (Cash)", "amount": "16.00", "timestamp": "01/16/2024 16:33" }" in the table. 7. Edit the cash register so that it no longer has an apostrophe in the name nor description. View the Transaction History page again. All tables are showing as expected.