koha-worker --help currently says: --queue Specify the queue/worker to restart - 'default' is used if not specified current queues are: default, long_tasks We should add elastic_index to the "current queues". "man koha-worker" only says: Allows specifying the queue worker (defaults to 'default'). It would probably make sense to add a line about the actual queues there too.
Created attachment 161796 [details] [review] Bug 36009: Document koha-worker --queue elastic_index To test: - Copy the koha-worker script to the standard location: $ sudo cp debian/scripts/koha-worker /usr/sbin/koha-worker - Check "sudo koha-worker --help" and verify elastic_index is mentioned in the list of "current queues" - See https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Testing_man_pages for how to check the "man" page. There should be a new paragraph about "Current queues" under "--queue"
Created attachment 162003 [details] [review] Bug 36009: Document koha-worker --queue elastic_index To test: - Copy the koha-worker script to the standard location: $ sudo cp debian/scripts/koha-worker /usr/sbin/koha-worker - Check "sudo koha-worker --help" and verify elastic_index is mentioned in the list of "current queues" - See https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Testing_man_pages for how to check the "man" page. There should be a new paragraph about "Current queues" under "--queue" Signed-off-by: David Nind <david@davidnind.com>
The 'elastic_index' queue is not documented in background_jobs_worker.pl. Is it done in another bug ? If not
Created attachment 162368 [details] [review] Bug 36009: Document koha-worker --queue elastic_index To test: - Copy the koha-worker script to the standard location: $ sudo cp debian/scripts/koha-worker /usr/sbin/koha-worker - Check "sudo koha-worker --help" and verify elastic_index is mentioned in the list of "current queues" - See https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Testing_man_pages for how to check the "man" page. There should be a new paragraph about "Current queues" under "--queue" Signed-off-by: David Nind <david@davidnind.com> Signed-off-by: Julian Maurice <julian.maurice@biblibre.com>
Created attachment 162369 [details] [review] Bug 36009: Document background_jobs_worker.pl --queue elastic_index Signed-off-by: Julian Maurice <julian.maurice@biblibre.com>
I LOVE documentation patches :)
Pushed for 24.05! Well done everyone, thank you!
Pushed to 23.11.x for 23.11.04
Backported to 23.05.x for upcoming 23.05.10.