If an item is marked as 'bookable', and has been booked for a time frame. If this item's booking time frame is edited, a failure error appears on the modal. If the booking bar is adjusted to reflect different dates, this also causes a failure. To reproduce: 1. Create an item as bookable 2. Book this item for a patron with the dates 2/14-2/29 3. Save 4. View the booking and edit this booking, changing the dates to 2/19-2/29 5. Receive a 'failure' error. 6. Attempt to change the dates with the booking bar within the calendar view to the same 2/19-2/29 7. Receive a 'failure error'
I can't replicate this I'm afraid.
I'm going to close this one for now as I can't replicate it.. we can always re-open again later.