To recreate: 1. Go to item search. 2. Select multiple parameters and choose 'is not' 3. The search does not return items correctly.
Hey guys, testing this. The issue is introduced by the current patch from bug 36563 i.e. I can't reproduce the issue in current master. To reproduce: 1- Before applying bug 36563, visit item search: http://localhost:8081/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/ 2- Set "Home library" -> "is not" -> "Centerville". Notice you don't get items from Centerville. 3- Apply patch from bug 36563, repeat step 2, notice you now get items from Centervile. The fix for this should, I believe, be part of bug 36563 patchset. Or at the very least this bug should depend on bug 36563.
I tested it, the issue doesn't occur in current master.
Sorry, as Pedro said, this issue is in the patch for 36563, not in master. Marking RESOLVED - INVALID