Bug 36896 - Delete hold should be a check-box rather than dropdown option
Summary: Delete hold should be a check-box rather than dropdown option
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 7782
Alias: None
Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Hold requests (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All All
: P5 - low enhancement
Assignee: Bugs List
QA Contact: Testopia
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Reported: 2024-05-17 16:15 UTC by Heather Rommens
Modified: 2024-05-20 12:04 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Patch complexity: ---
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Description Heather Rommens 2024-05-17 16:15:28 UTC
In the patron's hold tab, it would be very helpful if the Delete Hold functionality were a check box option, rather than a dropdown Yes/No functionality. This way, patrons or staff could Select All or Clear All and delete unwanted holds with fewer clicks required. A use case for this scenario is for school libraries placing numerous holds for their classes, cancelling numerous unwanted holds more easily.
Comment 1 Chanel Wheeler 2024-05-17 16:18:05 UTC
In the rest of Koha, these types of interactions are done via checkboxes. It's confusing that in this case, you have to choose yes/no before clicking the button. It would be much clearer if it were a checkbox.
Comment 2 Owen Leonard 2024-05-20 12:04:47 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 7782 ***