Bug 22666 fixed the order of the subfields when using an authority record in a bibliographic record. There is a case when this still doesn't work: if the authority record has multiples of a subfield, but not together. Take the following authority Music--Social aspects--Asia--History. it goes $a $x $z $x (notice the two x separated by the z). When this is copied in a bibliographic record, it is copied as Music -- Social aspects -- History -- Asia. $a $x $x $z; the two x were brought together. To recreate: 1. Go to Authorities 2. Click on New authority > Topical term 3. Fill out the mandatory fields (000, 003, 005, 008, 040$a) 4. Click on tab 1 5. Click on 150 - HEADING - TOPICAL TERM 6. Fill out the field - a: Music - x: Social aspects - z: Asia 7. Click on the icon to double the x subfield 8. Type in History 9. Move the History subfield at the end, under Asia 10. Click Save 11. Go to Cataloging > New record 12. Click on tab 6 13. Click on the Tag editor icon next to 650$a 14. In "Search main heading:" type music social 15. Click Choose next to Music Social aspects Asia History --> It is copied in the bibliographic record as Music Social aspects **History Asia** (instead of Music Social aspects **Asia History**)