With the introduction of debar_patrons_with_fines.pl, there should be system preferences added so that libraries can control some settings from the staff interface. This could be something like: <<"[Do/Don't] automatically restrict patrons if they owe over [amount]. Use the message [message here] as the restriction message." NOTE: This system preference requires the misc/cronjobs/debar_patrons_with_fines.pl cronjob. Ask your system administrator to schedule it.>> System preferences that are set up similarly for reference: PurgeSuggestionsOlderThan, AuthorityMergeLimit, AutoResumeSuspendedHolds, StaticHoldsQueueWeight/HoldsQueueSkipClosed/RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight. Also filing 37689 to add the ability to choose restriction type, so if that becomes possible, the system preference could also include "Use the [choose from restriction types] restriction."