As a result of Bug 37508, it isn't possible to use the reports module to identify which users are MFA enabled using e.g. the following SQL which used to work: SELECT p.borrowernumber, p.firstname, p.surname, p.cardnumber, p.branchcode, IF( power(2, 2) & flags, 'yes', 'no' ) as Staff, IF( power(2, 0) & flags, 'yes', 'no' ) as Superlibrarian FROM borrowers p WHERE p.flags > 0 AND p.auth_method = 'password' AND p.dateexpiry > CURDATE() HAVING Staff = 'yes' OR Superlibrarian = 'yes' ORDER BY p.branchcode
A workaround for this is to change = to LIKE Change this line: AND p.auth_method = 'password' to: AND p.auth_method LIKE 'passwor'
You could also use: p.auth_method != 'two-factor'
Tempted to close this one but will leave In Discussion