A couple of people have highlighted now that the adding of a 'Format' section amongst the message transport types in the notice template editor is confusing. The feature itself is also a little misleading as people presumed from the title that it affected print-type notices only, when in fact it affects all notice types when printed. The distinction is subtle, but makes a large difference in expectations. I'm not sure how to proceed here, but I want it recorded as a bug to see if anyone can come up with a cleaner approach for end users.
I believe we should forget the 'print' part of the bug title in 33478.. in fact the feature actually just allows one to specify CSS per message template + transport type combination (though the UI also allows for explicitly copying said styling to all message transport types for the message template. In reality, I think we should be encouraging the use of `@media print {}` to scope CSS to print only rules rather than trying to define this "in code"