A status "Available in library" (or "Received") should be useful to better monitor the progress of the transaction As I understand it, the current workflow (if you check out ILL items) is : - NEW : new request created by a patron or a librarian - REQ : request validated by the library and send to a document provider - CHK : document received by the library and checked out to the patron - RET : document checked in by the patron - COMP : end of transaction. document sent back to the document provider I think it could better be : As I understand it, the current workflow (if you check out ILL items) is : - NEW : new request created by a patron or a librarian - REQ : request validated by the library and send to a document provider - AVA : document received by library, availalable for check out => at THAT stage we can send a message to the patron asking them to come to the library - CHK : document and checked out to the patron - RET : document checked in by the patron - COMP : end of transaction. document sent back to the document provider